
Goals 2013

       For the next several Mondays, I will be sharing some of my goals for 2013.  I will be doing this in order to encourage others to set goals that will help them draw closer to God and to serve Him better.  I realize that 2013 has already begun, and that you may not yet have any goals for this year; but, "Better late than never!"  So here are five of my goals for 2013-

1.  Read the Bible through in eight months.  (I actually started on this goal on December 1, so my goal is to finish before August 1).
2.  Finish memorizing the book of I Corinthians.  (I am working on chapter five right now, since I did the first four chapters last year).
3.  Lead ten people to the Lord.  (This looks pretty daunting for me, but with God, all things are possible!  And if I miss the mark on this goal and only see 5 people saved, that would still be more than last year!)
4.  Share the gospel or give a tract to an average of two people per week.
5.  Start a blog (check!) and post at least once per week.



  1. Those sound like awesome goals to shoot for and accomplish,may God guide you and bless you through the year as you aim to fulfill them.

  2. Wow! Thanks for sharing, Mich. I think that these would be daunting tasks for anyone, and they definitely would be for me. Thanks for giving God an opportunity to show Himself strong in your life (II Chronicles 16:9), as well as inspiring others to do the same. Go for it!

  3. That is a very noble aspiration mitchel! Although I would like to encourage you not o measure your success by how many people YOU lead to The Lord. Unless The Lord does the leading, I have very little hope for any new christian. Besides, as Paul says, some people do the the planting, some do the watering and some cultivate. And they all are equally important. I appreciate your sincerity and lust for The Lord! Blessings!

  4. That's right, Heather. Although I want to see souls saved, I am called to be a witness; God is the one that gives the harvest. However, I'm going to use my goal of leading ten people to the Lord this year as motivation to share the gospel; the results are up to God.


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